LIVE K's metaverse concert is the world's first 3D volumetric meta concert involving K POP singers implemented on the SKT Metaverse platform.
Now, the most metaverse platforms are implemented based on animation characters.
The metaverse platform to which XR (extended reality) technology is applied is a new type of metaverse that combines photographic graphics and real human characters.
2022 |
SKT Metaverse(ifland) - Meta club ‘Hongdae’ Kpop concert |
2021 |
Miss World & Universe Korea: XR Metaverse Event producing |
XR Metaverse which is a technology that synth- esizes a virtual 3D space and real people on the basis of a game engine in real time.
The differentiated technological element is the solution that synchronizes the 3D virtual space camera of the game engine with the camera that photographs real people in real time through the virtual camera tracking sensor.
This allows you to increase the sense of reality in a virtual space where the background moves behind the person whenever the camera moves.
2022 |
K-POP Concert into the Emirate (KITE DUBAI) XR Stage & Meta Dubai |
2020 |
KOREA KPOP_DREAM CONCERT: Global 3D Landmark Virtual Tour |
Space K explores the digital world and brings it into our physical world. Originated in Seoul, South Korea, Space K brings the korean culture to all around the world
in an innovtive and immersive way, through film, photography, audio, computer & digital arts, and interactive media.
K Culture Honoring the Hallyu! Hallyu refers to the phenomenal growth of korean culture and popular culture encompassing everything from music, movies,
drama to online games and korean cuisine. Let us help you travel to korea!
2022 |
SPACE K@BANGKOK - Unreal Media Art |
2021 |
Miss World & Universe Korea: XR Metaverse Event producing |
2018 |
Seoul Animation Center - Digital Kids Park |
Creative Tech Company |
LIVE K is XR Metaverse company specializing in real-time synthetic XR shooting studio,3D media art, and metaverse platform production.
Contents and services based on Unreal Engine are showing more realistic and compatible technologies.
Metaverse application and operation service through volumetric capture technology is the world's first technology specialized in cloud streaming services.
[SPACE K] immersive 3D media art exhibitions were held in Seoul and Bangkok, Thailand. It is gaining great popularity as a compact media art
that can be used in department stores and large cafes that can be used in 200m2 commercial facilities.
It is a digital content that is very suitable for indoor commercial spaces in Dubai, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.
XR Metaverse Enterprise is invited to the same place as Microsoft and Decentral Land at GITEX 2022, one of the world`s top five tech fairs:
Live K was invited to ‘Gitex 2022’ alongside with Microsoft HoloLens 2, and Decentral Land
/ Introducing the world’s first technology that synthesizes virtual backgrounds and people in real time at the same time as 360-degree stereoscopic photography
/ Following the 2022 MWC, until 2022 Gitex, a series of love calls from major overseas electronic fairs/ LiveK, KOCCA ...
- 18th Oct. 2022
News & Media |
XR Metaverse Enterprise Live K, participates in the Event ,We have to go to the next metaverse:
Live K, XR metaverse company, was selected as an outsanding startup at the global startup event ‘Try Everything’
/ Panel on the 'Next Metaverse' at the ‘2022 Startup Autobahn Session’
/ Discussions on overseas cooperation cases between large companies and startups (22-09-21) XR Metaverse content producer Live K Co., Ltd. (co-CEO Cho Nam-kwon, http://www.metalivek.com) talked about the “Next ...
- 28th Sep. 2022
SKT holds the ‘Meta Hongdae Music Tour’ on Ifland:
XR Metaverse Companies partner with Live K. Volume Metric performances such as 10cm, Sunwoo Jung-ah, Car the Garden, pH-1, and YB will be released sequentially.
Meta Hongdae Land is a new reconstruction of Hongdae street and live club Rolling Hall. Free prizes such as AirPods and Ifland points will be presented at events such as ...
- 22th Sep. 2022
XR Metaverse 기업 LIVE K, 서울시 Start-up 행사 '2022 Start-up Autobahn' Session에서 ‘Next Metaverse로 가야한다.' ... - 27th Sep. 2022
SKT, 이프랜드서 음악 축제 ‘메타홍대 뮤직투어’ 연다: [기사 보기] - 19th Sep. 2022
Reference |
2022 |
Space K Bangkok - Welcome to our world of surreal korean immersive media art (초현실적 한국형 이머시브 미디어아트의 세계로 초대합니다.) |
GITEX - One of the world largest tech expos in Dubai where we showcased our skills and how we can copcine the metaverse with our reality! (두바이에서 열리는 세계 최대의 기술 엑스포 중 하나로, 우리는 우리의 기술과 메타버스를 현실과 결합할 수 있는 방법을 선보였습니다!) |
KITE - K-Pop in the Emirates XR- Concert and performers like Rain and Heize (에미레이트 XR 콘서트의 K-Pop과 비와 헤이즈 같은 공연자들이 있습니다.) |
Exhibitor and Speaker at Try Everything 2022’ |
Cooperation with SKT on the metaverse ifland - Meta ‘Hongdae’ K pop concert Planning and Producing the 'Meta Hongdae' (SKT IFLAND ‘메타홍대’ 맵 기획 및 제작 / 볼류메트릭 & XR 콘서트 기획 및 제작, 운영 메타버스 인디밴드 공연 팬미팅 실감콘텐츠 제작 |
Kim Jae Whan Fanconcert - [I_MY_ME_MINE], XR & Volumetric performance planning and production (김재완 XR&볼류메트릭 공연 기획 및 제작) |
Participating in the exhibition at the Korea Joint Hall (KOCCA) of MWC [Mobile World Congress] |
MWC [Mobile World Congress] 한국공동관 (KOCCA) 전시 참가 |
Participating in the exhibition at the Korea Joint Hall (KOCCA) of the DEAL Dubai Entertainment & Amusement Expo |
DEAL 두바이엔터테인먼트&어뮤즈먼트 엑스포 한국공동관 (KOCCA) 전시 참가 |
2021 |
3D FIRENZE Virtual Art Concert: JTBC broadcasting the Phantom singer Kim Joo Taek (버추얼 아트콘서트: '3D피렌체로 떠나는 아트콘서트' 팬텀싱어2 바리톤 김주택 & 앙상블 챔버./ 출연 '피렌체 우피치 미술관' 혼합현실 갤러리 제작 - 오페라 + 큐레이터 혼합 형식 |
Development of a 3D virtual city of Firenza based on [Unreal Engine]) ([언리얼엔진] 기반 피렌체 3D 가상 도시 개발) |
Miss World & Universe Korea : XR Metaverse Event producing (LG U+ ’2021 미스유니버스&월드‘ 메타버스 코리아 대회 개최) |
The Global first Metaverse-based 2021 Miss Universe & World Korean national team selection competition (글로벌 최초 메타버스 기반 2021 ‘미스 유니버스 & 월드’ 한국대표 선발전 진행) |
Planning of the I MUSEUM Exhibition with Interactive Tech (LIVE K는인터랙티브 테크놀로지 기반의 I MUSEUM 전시를 선보입니다.) |
Spike Asia Keynote Speech at ASA Advertising Festival and Philip Colbert’s Next Art Virtual Art Production (아사아광고제 스파이크아시아 키노트연설 및 필립콜버트 넥스트 아트 버추얼아트 제작) |
Selected to support cooperation with conglomerates for producing real-life content 5G by Korea Creative Content Agency (실감콘텐츠 5G 대기업협력 지원사업 선정(한국콘텐츠진흥원) |
2020 |
Hosting the DREAM CONCERT: Global 3D Landmark Virtual Tour/ Real-time streaming project for Idol Performance (드림콘서트 글로벌 3D 가상투어 / 가상3D공간에서 펼쳐지는 아이돌 공연 실시간 합성 프로젝트) |
Produced live ‘Na Tae Joo hologram’ Taekwondo show on MBC Hope Campaign (MBC 희망캠페인 생방송 ‘나태주 홀로그램’ 태권쇼 제작) |
Produced pcC Andromeda It’s live, 'Christmas XR snow.' (MBC andromeda its live ‘크리스마스 XR 스노우’ 제작) |
Resident of Gyeonggi Art Center: Virtual stage production after the selection of Gyeonggi-do dance group (경기아트센터 상주단체 : 경기도무용단 선정 후 버추얼 스테이지 제작) |
Virtual & Mixed Reality Advertising: Global Idol Group [KARD] Mixed Reality Performance Video Production (버추얼 & 혼합현실 광고 제작 : 글로벌 아이돌 그룹 [KARD] 혼합현실 공연 영상 제작) |
Receiving the Grand Prize of the ICT Cultural Convergence Center Demo Day (ICT문화융합센터 데모데이 대상 수상) |
NIPA_[5G Hologram Live Telepresence] Technology Prior Research (NIPA_[5G 홀로그램 라이브 텔레프레즌스] 기술 선행 연구 진행) |
Building 5G Holo Live MR Theater (Korea Creative Content Agency) (5G 홀로라이브 MR씨어터 구축 (한국콘텐츠진흥원) |
Selected for VR/AR content service demonstration (Gyeonggi Content Agency) (VR/AR콘텐츠 서비스실증지원사업 선정(경기콘텐츠진흥원)) |
2019 |
5G VR/AR Flagship Project – HOLO LIVE STREAM (2019 NIPA ‘5G 가상증강현실 플래그십 프로젝트’ [5G HOLO LIVE] 선정) |
Research and development of 5G HOLO LIVE Technique: 5G HOLO LIVE 기술 연구개발 [모션 캡처 디지털 캐릭터 + 쇼호스트 실시간 방송] 선행 연구 진행 |
- Character Multiple Interworking: Character structure design that allows two or more people to participate at the same time and character change is possible / Implemented multi-faceted recognition and multi-motion capture capabilities '가상 스튜디오 리얼타임 캡쳐' (캐릭터 다중 연동): 2인 이상 동시 참여 가능한 캐릭터 구조 설계 및 캐릭터 변경 가능 / 다중 페이셜 인식 및 다중 모션 캡처 기능 구현 완료 |
- Character Real-Time Facial Tracking: Using Facial AR-linked wireless environment, detailed facial expressions, tongue movements, and eye movements are tracked '아바타 가상 스튜디오 리얼타임 캡쳐' (캐릭터 실시간 페이셜트래킹): Facial AR 연동 무선 환경을 활용하여 얼굴의 디테일한 표정, 혀의 움직임 그리고 눈동자까지 트래킹,무선 네트워크로 디테일한 수치값을 전송 및 연동하여 서비스 시연 완료 |